Event for Teams
Events for teams (ultra-long or expedition events) is slightly different format from an ordinary race for individuals. ORGSU features handle the team race requirements very well. The event usually has stages and lasts several days. So the team online registrations, timing and GPS tracking are the most important features.
Team Online Registration
First of all the team registration allows entering the team title, team introduction, team photo, representing of the country and of course athletes.
Feature “we are looking for a missing team member”, can be activated by the team founder. JOIN THE TEAM button will appear in the team row.
By clicking onto the team title, the team introduction will appear. Owner of the team may edit the team credentials and add/change the team members at any time. The same access gets the event organiser.
Live Results
ORGSU technology is very useful for ultra races timing and tracking. The live timing output allows two different modes of the data. The first shows the split times between the checkpoints:
Spectators may change the output when the times are to be displayed at the times from the start of the race:
The best teams of this team adventure race have been on the track for more than 4 days.
GPS Mobile Tracking
For more info about our tracking tech :Orgsu Tracking
The advantages of live tracking for long adventure expedition events are clear. ORGSU gives you the ability to track your race inexpensively using our GPS tracking App.
If you own tracking devices then they may be used as well alongside our app tracking or on their own.
You can create your own applet displaying the teams’ movement on a real time map. Finally, the replay feature will show the race development whenever after the end of the race.
There is a real tracking applet of the 2017’s Otter Trail Run. When it appears, you can select ‘Replay’ and set the Location to 50% and the speed to 400 x do not waste your time to check it out. The start numbers 44 and 192 have the location data even in that non-data-covered area:
Make your admin race director registration here. And get your Team Online Registrations on your website tomorrow. Just ask to assist you if needed.